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Semi well being

This term we have been learning about our life and what it means to us. Here is a photo I did on google draw about the thing that means to me.  Image result for hauora well being

This photo relate to the picture I have done on my own.

This is my health Hauora and there are for thing in health  Hauora

Hauora is a moari national for people who have different life, 

Spiritual- Like some people are faithful and they go church every sunday and pray for there sin to go away and ask our heaven father to watch all over us. 

 Metal and Emotional-Some like metal and emotional like they get angry but when they talk they cry because it hurt them what people are saying or mocking them, 

 Social -Is the people that are clever and that go on other site when no one is looking.

Physical- People that are health and that look after there body and people who like to play all sort of sport.


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